Students » SHDHS Staff List

SHDHS Staff List

Jenalyn Ignor- Principal
John Gordon - Vice-Principal
Administrative Support Staff
Katelyn McClure - Head Secretary
Lori Nesbit - Student Services Secretary
Elizabeth Stuckless - Attendance Secretary
Custodial Staff
Kevin Drager - BES Head Custodian
Nancy Eisenschink
Mike Foxton
Darrel Gingerich
Jamie Habel
Judi Nigh-Nedza
Educational Assistants
Taylor Higgins
Michelle Insley
Brenda Kipfer
Rebekah Kleiber
Marlene Lightfoot
Michelle Meikle
Deb Oke
Dianne Shapton
Courtney White
Teaching Staff
Laura Allan - AMDEC, Business
Taryn Anstett - Elementary French
Merissa Bean - Science
Julie Bowers - Coop, Minor Head of Cooperative Education and Business
Kristy Bray - Student Success
Renee Chauvin - Hospitality and Tourism (Foods)
Eric Chisholm - Math, Science
Paul Colbourne - Communications Technology, English
Willam Copeman - Math, Fitness
Nathan Crawford - Construction Technology and Design Technology
Andrew Davis - Tech Design
Krista Dalzell - Grade 8 - Homeroom 8A
Alex denBroeder - English
Heather Foran - Physical Education
Samantha Hamilton- Grade 7/8 - Homeroom 7C8A
Katie Grant - Secondary French; Subject Chair of Moderns
Connor Groot - Physical Education
Denise Haines - Math, Music
Gina Harris -  Hospitality, Visual Art
Heather Hawley - English, Library; Major Head of English
Erika Hendrick - English, Media Arts
Brenda Hill - Math; Minor Head of Mathematics
Becky Hoogenes - Learning Services; Subject Chair of the Arts, Major Head of Learning Services
Jesse Hrudka- Drama, Canadian World Studies
Amanda Keller - Science, Student Services (Guidance)
Rob Krainz - Construction Technology, Transportation Technology; Major Head of Technological Studies
Ashley Kroonen - Learning Services, Science
Sandy Kunkel - Grade 7 - Homeroom 7B
Kyle Losell - French, Canadian World Studies
Melanie McCowan - Science; Minor Head of Science
Jodie McGee - Grade 7 - Homeroom 7A
Tracy McLennan - Canadian and World Studies, Minor Head of CWS / Social Sciences
Kate Milner - Arts, AMDEC, English
Ben Nielsen - Alt Education 
Brandie Noseworthy - English
Brian Oliver - Grade 8 - Homeroom 8C
Stacey Park - Canadian and World Studies, Social Sciences
Matt Prout - Manufacturing Technology
Carolyn Regier- Grade 8 - Homeroom 8B
Amy Shapton - Elementary Learning Services
Ryan Soldan - Physical Education; Minor Head of Physical Education
Shelly Weselan - Student Services (Guidance); Major Head of Student Services
Mike Wilhelm - Canadian and World Studies, Co-op, Pathways
Technical Resource Assistant
Denise Batten
Taylor Woodhouse