Guidance » Senior Year (Info. for Graduating Students & their Parents)

Senior Year (Info. for Graduating Students & their Parents)

All students in grade 12 (whether they are graduating, not graduating or are back for a 5th year) must be members of the graduating class Google Classroom. (Notifications can be set up so that students don't miss anything).
  • All information will be dispersed through the Google Classroom.
The Commencement date for the Class of 2025 is Thursday, June 26, 2025.
  • The Commencement Fee is $25. It can be paid on or by cash/cheque in the main office.
  • The number of tickets for guests will likely remain at be 4 per grad this year. (This does not include the graduates themselves.) Extra tickets can be requested by emailing [email protected].
  • Notes: There may not be extra tickets. If there are extra tickets, they will be distributed by a lottery of the the request list.
  • Guests who do not have tickets can view the ceremony by livestream in the library (where it is air conditioned!) or from home. (Link will be provided on the school website.)
  • Scholarship - a grant or payment made to support a student's education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievement (merit)
  • Bursary - a grant or payment made to support a student's education, awarded based on financial need (and possibly other criteria).
  • Award - Monetary or non-monetary prize given based on required criteria.
Preparing for Scholarships, bursaries & Awards:
  • The best way to be prepared to apply for scholarships and awards is to be well-rounded. Join clubs, do more than the required community involvement, play sports and get the best marks you can.
Finding Scholarships, bursaries & Awards:
  • When searching for scholarships, consider your workplace or workplaces of family members. e.g., McDonald's. Also consider companies your family uses. e.g., Hay Communications or Libro.
  • There are also many sites that are geared to listing scholarships. e.g. ScholarTreeeInfo (University) Scholarships, Ontario Colleges Tuition and Financial Assistance 
  • Check the "Financial Aid" webpage at the college or university you are planning to attend.
  • Universities have "Entrance Scholarships" based solely on your admission average. (No application is required.) Students will be offered these scholarships when they get an offer of admission to the program they apply for.
  • All scholarships, bursaries and awards through the school will be posted on the Grads' Google Classroom.
  • Also, recipients of many thousands of dollars worth of awards are chosen by the SHDHS Awards Committee and presented at commencement each year.
More details on specific scholarships are available on the Grads' Google Classroom.
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a financial aid program that can help students pay for college or university.

OSAP offers funding through:
  • grants: money you don’t have to pay back
  • a student loan: money you need to repay once you’re done school
When you apply for OSAP, you are automatically considered for both grants and a loan. (If you don’t want to take a loan, and you’re a full-time or part-time student, you can decline it after your application is approved.)

What OSAP can help with?
OSAP can help you pay for:
  • tuition
  • books and equipment
  • fees charged by your school
  • living expenses (full-time students only)
Applications open around April for the following year.
Calling your intended post-secondary institution is the best way to have questions answered. (Ask for the the Financial Aid Department.)